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Henry T Sarasota, FL
When I saw Dr. Walter I weighed 233 pounds and had tried everything– weight loss physicians, hypnotists, endocrinologists, South Beach, Atkins, Nutri Systems — all had failed miserably. Finally my physician had suggested lap banding surgery. After researching Dr. Walter’s Bodysculpting Hormone Diet (also known as the Dr. Ted diet — see, it made sense and I decided to give one final try. Dr. Walter and Susan, as well as their staff were very professional, friendly, and encouraging. They ran blood work, heart tests, etc before we got started They started me on a natural hormonal treatment taken thru the skin. As you might guess, I was very skeptical but after the first week I had lost 7 lbs! Super! And it was so easy! Guess what, I was even allowed 2 glasses of wine or vodka cocktails a day. Also, even though it was recommended to exercise, unfortunately I couldn’t because of a knee problem.

At the end of 10 weeks I weighed 185 lbs! Almost 50 pounds lost. Amazing! Not only that but on the diet my cholesterol level fell from 194 to 133, my triglycerides fell from 146 to 109 and my fasting blood sugar went from 112 (prediabetic range) to 86 (normal). Not only did I feel great but I got much healthier and was able to get off my cholesterol-lowering medication! Obviously, I could not be any happier with the results that have come so quickly! I cannot thank Dr. Walter enough for making me try his diet (he boasts a 95% success rate if you follow his instructions !). Or Susan for encouraging me and taking care of me each visit, listening to all my questions… giving me suggestions to do even better. Thank you both so very much! Again, I wanted to tell my story because I believe there are many like me out there that have tried everything to lose weight. The feeling I had was that I was looked down upon, as if I had no will to control myself. I now know, it wasn’t all my fault… and that there is always hope. Don’t give up… don’t ever give up! Thanks!

Carol B Sarasota, FL
I tried every diet out there. I exercised and ate healthily but could not lose that stubborn fat. This is the only program that allowed me to lose the weight permanently. I lost 18 pounds in 6 weeks and another 14 pounds since then with the maintenance program. The only downside is my jeans look and feel like a tent. Time for a new wardrobe. Oh well!
Weight Loss Testimonials
Bill B Sarasota, FL
Despite eating well, exercising (and actually never drinking beer) I was never able to lose the proverbial “beer belly”. With Dr. Walter’s hormone bodysculpting program I was able to achieve the physique I always wanted. I lost 21 pounds in 6 weeks and have since lost another 15 pounds on the maintenance program, for a total of 36 pounds. Best of all the belly is gone and my wife loves it!
Victor D. Sarasota, FL
I am writing to express my gratitude and offer my compliments on your wonderful weight loss program. My wife has struggled with her weight for the past 30 years. I could go on about the many programs and diets that she has tried but why dwell on attempts that proved to be either unsuccessful and in some cases unhealthy and dangerous. Because we have been open and supportive of each other especially in the area of health and weight loss we decided that any future program would have to be one that not only works but educates and can easily be transitioned into a life-long change and habit. So with that in mind she decided to start your program just before Thanksgiving with other major holidays not far behind. If this was going to work it had to be able to do so regardless of the yearly calendar. Well after eight short weeks I can say that the results have been nothing short of miraculous. I have not seen her this happy or confident in years.

The one thing that really is impressive is that this program did not disrupt our lifestyle. We still go out to eat. My wife Vivienne has been a nurse and licensed massage therapist and practitioner of alternative medicine for 25 years but since she has been on your program she has learned so much about her body and how it responds to both diet and change and has also managed to educate me in the process. So far in the short eight weeks she has lost 54 lbs. Not only does she continue to lose weight but the diet is healthy and leaved her with an incredible sense of wellbeing (NOT TYPICAL OF MOST DIETS SHE’S BEEN ON). My wife has never been a clothes shopper but as she continues to lose weight she’s actually enjoying her shopping trips, something I have not seen in a very long time. Again my congratulations on a very successful weight-loss program. Sincerely Yours, Victor